Sobre mi

Abg. David Camarena Calero

Abogado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Estudios de maestría en Derecho del Trabajo por la Universidad de Buenos Aires - Argentina.

Abogado litigante en procesos judiciales y arbitrajes en materia laboral, sobre materia de despidos, pago de beneficios sociales, convenios colectivos, etc.

Asesor legal de sindicatos y trabajadores.

Asistente de juez laboral en el Poder Judicial (2020-2021), donde estuve encargado de redacción de resoluciones y sentencias en las que se resolvieron controversias sobre derecho laboral privado.

Asistente legal en la Confederación General de Trabajadores del Perú (2018-2019).

Asesor legal en la negociación colectiva del Sindicato Unitario de Trabajadores de Electrolima, Empresas Concesionarias Eléctricas y Afines - SUTEECEA (2024).

Asesor legal en la negociación colectiva del sector público del Sindicato del Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (2024).

Secretario arbitral en arbitrajes de negociación colectiva del sector público.

Past Coordinador General del Taller de investigación de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social "José Matías Manzanilla" de la UNMSM (2013-2014)

Ayudante de cátedra por haber ganado concurso público en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política de la UNMSM, en las cátedras de Derecho Individual del Trabajo y de Derecho Colectivo del Trabajo (2014-2016).

Autor de artículos de investigación sobre la especialidad de derecho laboral y conferencista recurrente en congresos y cursos de capacitación.

A laptop screen displays a webpage with the title 'ChatGPT Mastery Course'. The page includes sections on Learning, Writing, Money, Marketing, Productivity, and Tools, with various bullet points under each category. The top right shows an open browser tab, and there is a rating section with stars in the top left. Bright icons of various applications are visible at the bottom of the screen.
A laptop screen displays a webpage with the title 'ChatGPT Mastery Course'. The page includes sections on Learning, Writing, Money, Marketing, Productivity, and Tools, with various bullet points under each category. The top right shows an open browser tab, and there is a rating section with stars in the top left. Bright icons of various applications are visible at the bottom of the screen.
A workspace featuring a tablet and a laptop on a wooden desk. The tablet displays an online learning platform with various course thumbnails, while the laptop shows a coding environment with a colorful code editor. The setup suggests a focus on learning and coding.
A workspace featuring a tablet and a laptop on a wooden desk. The tablet displays an online learning platform with various course thumbnails, while the laptop shows a coding environment with a colorful code editor. The setup suggests a focus on learning and coding.
A woman holds a yellow sign that reads 'New York City is a union town' amidst a blurred background of people in vibrant clothing, suggesting a public event or gathering. A shop named 'NY Gifts' is visible in the background, indicating an urban setting.
A woman holds a yellow sign that reads 'New York City is a union town' amidst a blurred background of people in vibrant clothing, suggesting a public event or gathering. A shop named 'NY Gifts' is visible in the background, indicating an urban setting.

Sobre mí

Mi objetivo es brindar soluciones efectivas y personalizadas en el ámbito laboral, ayudando a mis clientes a resolver sus conflictos y necesidades legales.

Galería Profesional

Imágenes que reflejan mi experiencia como abogado laboralista.

Large banners with bold text hang on the exterior wall of a building. The text is in German and translates to 'We women have rights!'. Several hashtags and the name 'UNIA' are visible on the right banner.
Large banners with bold text hang on the exterior wall of a building. The text is in German and translates to 'We women have rights!'. Several hashtags and the name 'UNIA' are visible on the right banner.
A building entrance with metal barred doors and windows, featuring signs indicating it belongs to a faculty for high-quality training. The facade is white, and there are red fire extinguishers and safety notices mounted on the wall next to the entrance.
A building entrance with metal barred doors and windows, featuring signs indicating it belongs to a faculty for high-quality training. The facade is white, and there are red fire extinguishers and safety notices mounted on the wall next to the entrance.
A large group of people, consisting of both men and women, are gathered in a room. Some are sitting on chairs while others are standing around them. The room seems to be set up for a professional training or workshop, as indicated by a banner in the background. The environment appears formal, with a presentation screen and tables with documents and water bottles.
A large group of people, consisting of both men and women, are gathered in a room. Some are sitting on chairs while others are standing around them. The room seems to be set up for a professional training or workshop, as indicated by a banner in the background. The environment appears formal, with a presentation screen and tables with documents and water bottles.
A classroom with five nurses in uniforms seated at desks, facing a blackboard where another nurse is writing. Anatomical charts and a skeleton model are visible, indicating a lesson on human anatomy.
A classroom with five nurses in uniforms seated at desks, facing a blackboard where another nurse is writing. Anatomical charts and a skeleton model are visible, indicating a lesson on human anatomy.
A dimly lit computer lab features several workstations with monitors and keyboards arranged in a line. A design composed of blue lines and the word 'Amcbridge' is visible on the wall. Vertical blinds partially cover the window, letting in minimal light.
A dimly lit computer lab features several workstations with monitors and keyboards arranged in a line. A design composed of blue lines and the word 'Amcbridge' is visible on the wall. Vertical blinds partially cover the window, letting in minimal light.
A person is holding a resume in front of them while sitting at a white table. Another person, slightly blurred, is seated across the table. The resume has a blue header with the name and title 'Lauren Chen, Digital Marketing Specialist'. Sections visible include contact information, education, and professional experience.
A person is holding a resume in front of them while sitting at a white table. Another person, slightly blurred, is seated across the table. The resume has a blue header with the name and title 'Lauren Chen, Digital Marketing Specialist'. Sections visible include contact information, education, and professional experience.


Ofrezco mis servicios en toda la región, brindando asesoría legal laboral a empresas y trabajadores en diversas localidades.


Calle Larrabure y Unanue 231 Dpto 1001 - Jesús María - Lima


Lunes a Viernes : 8:00 - 18:30 horas

Sábados : 8:00 - 12:00 horas